Federal Road Agency Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-2020The ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-20207/20/2018Dorinfo — Road newsTo us it is important that routes were qualitatively repaired, and are in return ready to participate in it actively. Good roads — it, first of all, safety of citizens, comfort of journey, and also investment appeal of the region9/7/2018Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"Today Rosavtodor has nine existing contracts with "Sibmost" [general contractor]. There are all bases to believe that these state contracts will be executed, can with lag of terms, but the necessary quality. We will use the best efforts to itToday Rosavtodor has nine existing contracts with "Sibmost" [general contractor]. There are all bases to believe that these state contracts will be executed, can with lag of terms, but the necessary quality. We will use the best efforts to it9/5/2018RBC NovosibirskThe ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-2020The ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-20207/20/2018Dorinfo — Road newsTo us it is important that routes were qualitatively repaired, and are in return ready to participate in it actively. Good roads — it, first of all, safety of citizens, comfort of journey, and also investment appeal of the region9/7/2018Russian information agency "Ura.Ru"Today Rosavtodor has nine existing contracts with "Sibmost" [general contractor]. There are all bases to believe that these state contracts will be executed, can with lag of terms, but the necessary quality. We will use the best efforts to itToday Rosavtodor has nine existing contracts with "Sibmost" [general contractor]. There are all bases to believe that these state contracts will be executed, can with lag of terms, but the necessary quality. We will use the best efforts to it9/5/2018RBC NovosibirskThe ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-2020The ministry of construction, road economy of the Irkutsk region carried out preliminary protection of the demand in Federal Highway Agency. It is planned to conclude the agreement for 2019-20207/20/2018Dorinfo — Road news123467Company-related news+89 last weekActing as headRoman Novikov0Media ScoreActing as headRoman Novikov792Connections+240 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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