National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this nameThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this name8/19/2018NTVExactly thanks to John McCain's efforts Ukraine, at last, started receiving the military help from the USA. He was the strong and honest person, always went in the belief all the way8/26/2018NTVThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this nameThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this name8/19/2018NTVExactly thanks to John McCain's efforts Ukraine, at last, started receiving the military help from the USA. He was the strong and honest person, always went in the belief all the way8/26/2018NTVThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this nameThis gun is completely made at the Ukrainian enterprises. It can hit the targets at distance to 60 kilometers special ammunition. The howitzer received Bogdan's fine maiden name, and I advise enemies of Ukraine properly to remember this name8/19/2018NTV12357Company-related news+34 last weekAlexander Litvinenko0Media ScoreAlexander Litvinenko648Connections+225 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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