Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreOur budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.Our budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.1/16/2019To Kommersantj.RThe budgetary reporting of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for 2022 reflects authentically in all essential relations a financial position as of January 1, 20237/6/2023website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"To us many regions promised to connect regional television and radio systems. We count that we will receive social advertizing on leading channelsTo us many regions promised to connect regional television and radio systems. We count that we will receive social advertizing on leading channels7/9/2019UralbusinesskonsaltingOur budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.Our budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.1/16/2019To Kommersantj.RThe budgetary reporting of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation for 2022 reflects authentically in all essential relations a financial position as of January 1, 20237/6/2023website "Rossiyskaya gazeta"To us many regions promised to connect regional television and radio systems. We count that we will receive social advertizing on leading channelsTo us many regions promised to connect regional television and radio systems. We count that we will receive social advertizing on leading channels7/9/2019UralbusinesskonsaltingOur budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.Our budgets of territorial subjects of the Russian Federation are executed with excess of the income over expenses, that is with surplus. Surplus unique: if in 2007 it was 50 billion rubles, 11 years later — 500 billion rubles.1/16/2019To Kommersantj.R1231,288Company-related news+244 last weekMinisterAnton Siluanov0Media Score250Rank positionMinisterAnton Siluanov1,671Connections+581 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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