FEDERAL SERVICE OF ARMIES OF NATIONAL GUARD OF THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agenciesUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agencies9/10/2018NGS.NOVOSTIYou exercise control of observance of the Russian legislation in the sphere of a turn of the weapon, stand on the guard and ensure safety to our inhabitants2/8/2019Ivanovo region dumaUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agenciesUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agencies9/10/2018NGS.NOVOSTIYou exercise control of observance of the Russian legislation in the sphere of a turn of the weapon, stand on the guard and ensure safety to our inhabitants2/8/2019Ivanovo region dumaUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agenciesUnfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agencies9/10/2018NGS.NOVOSTI127,992Company-related news+1,512 last weekDirector, commander-in-chief of troops of national guard of the Russian FederationVictor Zolotov0Media Score250Rank positionDirector, commander-in-chief of troops of national guard of the Russian FederationVictor Zolotov3,669Connections+1,391 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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