Police: OMON brought to the street that the holding a meeting did not take away the weapon in the Central District Department of Internal Affairs

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The Ministry of Internal Affairs explained rigid dispersal of meeting on September 9
Ministries of Internal Affairs explained with
rigid dispersal of meeting on September 9

Novosibirsk police explained dispersal by threat of mass riots — according to the representative of regional GU Ministries of Internal Affairs, holding a meeting could get in weapon the Central District Department of Internal Affairs.

"During procession arose real threat of emergence of mass riots, including penetrations into one of departments of internal affairs into a place of storage of firearms" — the deputy chief of regional police Olnev Oleg at meeting in Government regiona declared today.

He specified that the action which has passed the day before was uncoordinated, and meeting turned into procession. "Disagreement expression with pension reform carried out in the country was the purpose of action" — Olnev Oleg declared.

In such situation police officers together with colleagues from ROSGVARDIYA "were compelled to carry out a number of specific actions", he recognized.

Anatoly Lokot Commented on a yesterday's action and the mayor Novosibirsk. "Unfortunately, the 9th passed unauthorized meeting and procession. I for the first time in the political activity come up against a situation when organizers provoke and push participants of meeting on collision with law enforcement agencies" — Anatoly Lokot told. According to him, because of procession in the center Novosibirsk was broken movement public transports, also they prevented repair work on Krasny Avenue.

The day before in the afternoon on September 9 in Pervomaisk Square there took place protest action against pension reforms — NGS conducted a live broadcast with meeting . After meeting in the square participants of the action reached to movie theaters "Victory", and then — police department "Central" on Michurin Street where the staff of OMON was pulled together. Some participants of the action were detained, but already in the evening they released .

Protest actions passed

many participants detained .
