State of Utah United States of AmericaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in itMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in it2/20/2018Donald TrumpVery interestingly! We by the way found out that the site of the Russian movement "Voice" is registered in the State of Utah, it is curious where the site "Amerikiya's Voices is registered11/19/2020Maxime GrigoryevMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in itMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in it2/20/2018Donald TrumpVery interestingly! We by the way found out that the site of the Russian movement "Voice" is registered in the State of Utah, it is curious where the site "Amerikiya's Voices is registered11/19/2020Maxime GrigoryevMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in itMitt Romney reported that will fight for a place in the Senate from the fine State of Utah. He will be remarkable senator and the worthy successor of business of Orrin Hetcha. I completely support him in it2/20/2018Donald Trump1251Region News+11 last week0Media Score10:43:58 PMGMT-7180Connections+54 last weekPopulation2 817 222NewsConnections Tree
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