State of New Mexico United States of AmericaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald TrumpWe build a wall on border of New Mexico and we build a wall in Colorado. We build a beautiful wall, big which will be really effective which it is impossible to get, it is impossible to bypass10/24/2019Donald TrumpVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald TrumpWe build a wall on border of New Mexico and we build a wall in Colorado. We build a beautiful wall, big which will be really effective which it is impossible to get, it is impossible to bypass10/24/2019Donald TrumpVoters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?Voters of this country from Florida to Minnesota, from New Mexico to these places! Having come to elections, you have to resolve one fundamental issue: you want that America the corrupted political class or the people of this country operated?11/8/2016Donald Trump1284Region News+22 last weekMedia Score: Low5:07:01 AMGMT-7351Connections+129 last weekPopulation2 085 287NewsConnections Tree
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