Nuuk Country: GreenlandViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the regionOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the region6/10/2020Michael Richard PompeoOur presence at Nuuk will strengthen partnership with our Arctic allies and will improve shared prosperity of our friends in Denmark and Greenland. We thank our allies for the help in realization of this important event6/14/2020Michael Richard PompeoOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the regionOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the region6/10/2020Michael Richard PompeoOur presence at Nuuk will strengthen partnership with our Arctic allies and will improve shared prosperity of our friends in Denmark and Greenland. We thank our allies for the help in realization of this important event6/14/2020Michael Richard PompeoOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the regionOur presence at Nuuk will increase wellbeing which we divide with our friends in Denmark and Greenland, working together with other allies and partners in the Arctic for ensuring stability and a sustainable development in the region6/10/2020Michael Richard Pompeo1263Region News+39 last week0Media Score250Rank position297years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17281:38:19 PMGMT-32993Dialing code582Connections+152 last weekPopulation17 316NewsConnections Tree
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