Plovdiv Country: BulgariaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched meImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched me7/24/2018Natalya KomarovaAlso we sent the list for participation in youth superiority of the world which will pass in the Bulgarian Plovdiv. In demands the minimum number of athletes — on five people and only the strongest7/2/2023Алексей Владимирович СвиринImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched meImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched me7/24/2018Natalya KomarovaAlso we sent the list for participation in youth superiority of the world which will pass in the Bulgarian Plovdiv. In demands the minimum number of athletes — on five people and only the strongest7/2/2023Алексей Владимирович СвиринImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched meImpresses the carrying out fact in 2017 with the Bulgarian, Ugra, Yamal school students of collaboration in improvement of monuments to the Soviet soldier liberator in Burgas and Plovdiv. It was own initiative of children. It very much touched me7/24/2018Natalya Komarova1214Region News+5 last weekMedia Score: Low359032Dialing code92Connections+46 last weekPopulation338 153NewsConnections Tree
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