Leninsky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK workedI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK worked2/1/2021Tatyana MerzlyakovaIt is the 14-year-old pupil of a gymnasium of Leninsky district. It sent messages by e-mail in schools (including - in the), in shopping centers and so on2/8/2022Valery Nikolaevich GorelykhFrom now on Elena Beruashvili works in the status of the head of Leninsky district. It skilled manager. Attention to Leninsky district always the raised. It one of the central. I do not doubt that Elena Beruashvili will cope with all calls and tasksFrom now on Elena Beruashvili works in the status of the head of Leninsky district. It skilled manager. Attention to Leninsky district always the raised. It one of the central. I do not doubt that Elena Beruashvili will cope with all calls and tasks12/21/2021Aleksey OrlovI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK workedI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK worked2/1/2021Tatyana MerzlyakovaIt is the 14-year-old pupil of a gymnasium of Leninsky district. It sent messages by e-mail in schools (including - in the), in shopping centers and so on2/8/2022Valery Nikolaevich GorelykhFrom now on Elena Beruashvili works in the status of the head of Leninsky district. It skilled manager. Attention to Leninsky district always the raised. It one of the central. I do not doubt that Elena Beruashvili will cope with all calls and tasksFrom now on Elena Beruashvili works in the status of the head of Leninsky district. It skilled manager. Attention to Leninsky district always the raised. It one of the central. I do not doubt that Elena Beruashvili will cope with all calls and tasks12/21/2021Aleksey OrlovI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK workedI am this question with prosecutors of Verkh-Isetsky and Lenin areas solved. Them allowed, members of ONK worked2/1/2021Tatyana Merzlyakova12344Region News+20 last week0Media Score2:12:49 AMGMT+566RUS8 343Dialing code54Connections+42 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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