Pervomaysky rayon Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this questionCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this question4/28/2021Oleg GumenyukI specially organized a meeting of seniors on houses, representatives of public council of the May Day area with the head of branch of policlinic No. 6. It explained that the medical institution is not closed at all and even expands a range of services9/8/2021Dimitri NovikovCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this questionCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this question4/28/2021Oleg GumenyukI specially organized a meeting of seniors on houses, representatives of public council of the May Day area with the head of branch of policlinic No. 6. It explained that the medical institution is not closed at all and even expands a range of services9/8/2021Dimitri NovikovCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this questionCommunications on all city are strongly worn-out, but the May Day area suffers most of all. We repair emergency sites, but it is a drop in the ocean, it is necessary to repair all and in a complex. Let's study this question4/28/2021Oleg Gumenyuk1244Region News+7 last weekMedia Score: Low2:55:25 AMGMT+1025RUS7423Dialing code28Connections+6 last weekPopulation153 825NewsConnections Tree
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