Puerto Rico Capital: San JuanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScorePuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billionPuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billion9/18/2020Donald TrumpGroup at us good, all teams to us are known. Too we know the Puerto Rico team, they are known for incendiary character. It will be very interesting! With Tunisia and Serbia we played recently10/1/2021Pavel PankovPuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billionPuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billion9/18/2020Donald TrumpGroup at us good, all teams to us are known. Too we know the Puerto Rico team, they are known for incendiary character. It will be very interesting! With Tunisia and Serbia we played recently10/1/2021Pavel PankovPuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billionPuerto Rico seriously suffered as a result of various storm. Today my administration provides the help largest in the history to restore electric networks and an education system in Puerto Rico. We provide $13 billion9/18/2020Donald Trump12130Region News+106 last weekAlekhandro Javier Garsiya Padilya0Media Score250Rank positionAlekhandro Javier Garsiya Padilya$US dollar1787, 1939Dialing code381Connections+249 last weekPopulation3 707 181NewsConnections Tree
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