Kingdom of Lesotho Capital: MaseruViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize KosovoThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize Kosovo9/27/2018Ivitsa DachichI signed the resolution forbidding entrance to Italy for all who visited the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Esvatini (Swaziland) in the last 14 days11/26/2021Роберто СперанцаThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize KosovoThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize Kosovo9/27/2018Ivitsa DachichI signed the resolution forbidding entrance to Italy for all who visited the Republic of South Africa, Lesotho, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Mozambique, Namibia, Esvatini (Swaziland) in the last 14 days11/26/2021Роберто СперанцаThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize KosovoThe representative of Oman, and today the representative of Uganda who are in the list of the countries which have recognized Kosovo, told me that they it never did. The minister from Lesotho says that they also did not recognize Kosovo9/27/2018Ivitsa Dachich1212Region News+4 last weekThomas Motsoakhae Tabane0Media ScoreThomas Motsoakhae Tabane58years oldDate of establishmentOctober 4, 1966LLoti266Dialing code101Connections+15 last weekPopulation2 173 390NewsConnections Tree
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