Chad Capital: N'DjamenaViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of ChadThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of Chad6/28/2023Catherina KudrinaThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of Chad6/30/2023Catherina KudrinaThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of ChadThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of Chad6/28/2023Catherina KudrinaThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of Chad6/30/2023Catherina KudrinaThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of ChadThe Moscow state institute of culture is proud of that for the first time in the history of cultural interaction of our countries trained the high quality certified specialist in the field of cultural science for the Republic of Chad6/28/2023Catherina Kudrina1247Region News+11 last week since 2023Махамат Идрис Деби Итно0Media Score250Rank position since 2023Махамат Идрис Деби Итно64years oldDate of establishmentAugust 11, 1960₣CFA Franc BEAC235Dialing code195Connections+101 last weekPopulation14 739 485NewsConnections Tree
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