Governorate of Kirkuk Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independenceThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independence10/5/2017Recep ErdoganArticle 140 which provides holding a referendum in Kirkuk, has to be carried out not as unilateral introduction, and as a referendum according to the offer reached between the parties10/16/2017Ahmet DavutogluThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independenceThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independence10/5/2017Recep ErdoganArticle 140 which provides holding a referendum in Kirkuk, has to be carried out not as unilateral introduction, and as a referendum according to the offer reached between the parties10/16/2017Ahmet DavutogluThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independenceThe Iraq Kurdistan has no legitimate right to include the province Kirkuk rich with oil under referendum action about independence10/5/2017Recep Erdogan121Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low5:27:08 AMGMT+34Connections+4 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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