Akmola Region Country: KazakhstanViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan areaAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan area6/10/2021Aset IrgalievThe Kuwaiti fund considers the project with investments into $1,5-2 billion. The first step is already taken – the earth in Akmolinsky area under the project] is given ou11/15/2023Raimbek BatalovAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan areaAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan area6/10/2021Aset IrgalievThe Kuwaiti fund considers the project with investments into $1,5-2 billion. The first step is already taken – the earth in Akmolinsky area under the project] is given ou11/15/2023Raimbek BatalovAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan areaAgriculture volumes continue to be increased. Growth made 3,1%. In 13 regions positive dynamics is observed. The Akmolinsky area showed the greatest growth. Thus decrease is noted in the North Kazakhstan area6/10/2021Aset Irgaliev1269Region News+15 last week0Media Score85years oldDate of establishmentOctober 14, 193912:04:58 PMGMT+677162Dialing code176Connections+100 last weekPopulation736 605NewsConnections Tree
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InternationalОколо $2 млрд вложит Китай в переработку пшеницы в КазахстанеSPUTNIK Kazakhstan12/18/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 minCentral Federal DistrictМинэнерго: В Казахстане до конца года введут восемь новых объектов ВИЭ12/18/2024CompaniesGeography1 minEcologyКакой будет погода в Казахстане 18 декабряSPUTNIK Kazakhstan12/17/2024PeopleGeographyMedia4.2 minEcologyВ 16 регионах Казахстана и в Астане объявили штормовое предупреждение12/16/2024GeographyProducts2.2 minEcologyКакой будет погода в Казахстане в День независимостиSPUTNIK Kazakhstan12/15/2024PeopleGeographyMedia2 minTransportation"КазАвтоЖол" ввел ограничение движения в нескольких регионах КазахстанаSPUTNIK Kazakhstan12/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.1 min