Region of Peloponnese Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on PeloponneseAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on Peloponnese4/22/2022Maria ZakharovaPeloponnese suffers because from 85 000 tourists who were accepted annually by its airport, more than 30 000 there were Ukrainians and Russians. There now the big problem, some hotels did not open at all completely8/30/2022Dimitris KharitidisAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on PeloponneseAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on Peloponnese4/22/2022Maria ZakharovaPeloponnese suffers because from 85 000 tourists who were accepted annually by its airport, more than 30 000 there were Ukrainians and Russians. There now the big problem, some hotels did not open at all completely8/30/2022Dimitris KharitidisAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on PeloponneseAnd it besides that we share belief with Greeks, we inherit one tradition and in general never denied the assistance to our Greek friends. That costed only by our last year's help with fires on Peloponnese4/22/2022Maria Zakharova1211Region News+3 last week0Media Score27Connections+3 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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