Region of Ile-de-France Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other placesWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other places5/28/2020Eduar Sharl PhilippThe curfew will work in the region Ile-de-France and eight administrative units - Grenoble, Lille, Rouen, Lyon, Ex-Marseille, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Monpelye and Rouen10/15/2020Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick MakronWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other placesWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other places5/28/2020Eduar Sharl PhilippThe curfew will work in the region Ile-de-France and eight administrative units - Grenoble, Lille, Rouen, Lyon, Ex-Marseille, Saint-Etienne, Toulouse, Monpelye and Rouen10/15/2020Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick MakronWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other placesWe with special vigilance will watch region Ile-de-France departments, Guiana and Mayotte where distribution of a virus is higher, than in other places5/28/2020Eduar Sharl Philipp1219Region News+1 last weekMedia Score: Low11:47:43 AMGMT+171Connections+11 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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