Landlocked Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia Country: GermanyViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the BundestagAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the Bundestag9/24/2017Martin SchulzHe is responsible for the big industry of Northern Westphalia, there after all the prime minister. It got support from many concerns, especially power. Therefore he listens to them. I think that big any trick will not do9/27/2021Alexander Glebovich RarAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the BundestagAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the Bundestag9/24/2017Martin SchulzHe is responsible for the big industry of Northern Westphalia, there after all the prime minister. It got support from many concerns, especially power. Therefore he listens to them. I think that big any trick will not do9/27/2021Alexander Glebovich RarAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the BundestagAfter defeat which we suffered Northern Rhine-Westphalia in our key federal land, we lost also elections in the Bundestag9/24/2017Martin Schulz1236Region News+7 last week since 2021Armin Lashet0Media Score since 2021Armin Lashet79years oldDate of establishmentAugust 23, 19466:04:01 PMGMT+1158Connections+46 last weekPopulation17 571 856NewsConnections Tree
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