Province of Shanxi Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communitiesAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communities10/15/2021Timothy Donald CookToday I arrived to Shansi, first of all caring of people, whose work and life suffered from last year's disasters1/27/2022Xi JinpingAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communitiesAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communities10/15/2021Timothy Donald CookToday I arrived to Shansi, first of all caring of people, whose work and life suffered from last year's disasters1/27/2022Xi JinpingAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communitiesAs the region of Shansi recovers after a flood, we want to make the contribution, supporting efforts on assistance and helping with restoration. The Apple will make a donation to help affected communities10/15/2021Timothy Donald Cook1256Region News+7 last weekGovernor, acting as vice governor of the Province of Shanxi since 2019Lin Vu0Media ScoreGovernor, acting as vice governor of the Province of Shanxi since 2019Lin Vu8:00:26 PMGMT+8196Connections+92 last weekPopulation37 183 000NewsConnections Tree
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