Krasnoarmeysk Saratov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finishTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finish8/30/2017Valery RadayevFrom seven demands the best are selected: it is the city of Balashov, Kalininsk, Krasnoarmeysk, Petrovsk and Marx. In these cities projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment will be realized. Total amount of 340 million9/2/2020Vyacheslav VolodinTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finishTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finish8/30/2017Valery RadayevFrom seven demands the best are selected: it is the city of Balashov, Kalininsk, Krasnoarmeysk, Petrovsk and Marx. In these cities projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment will be realized. Total amount of 340 million9/2/2020Vyacheslav VolodinTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finishTo Burenin and Tepin to deal with it, to define the decision. Till September 10 in Krasnoarmeysk the program to finish8/30/2017Valery Radayev1221Region News+3 last weekMinister since 2020Aleksey PetaevMedia Score: LowMinister since 2020Aleksey Petaev107years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19183:19:03 AMGMT+464RUS+784550Dialing code48Connections+6 last weekPopulation24 884NewsConnections Tree
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