Atkarsk Saratov region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIt is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 20It is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 202/4/2022Youri YurinLook, means were found on building restoration in Atkarsk where the teacher training college has to be placed. Funds are transferred in area, they are nearly half a year. Works are not begun2/8/2022Vyacheslav VolodinIt is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 20It is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 202/4/2022Youri YurinLook, means were found on building restoration in Atkarsk where the teacher training college has to be placed. Funds are transferred in area, they are nearly half a year. Works are not begun2/8/2022Vyacheslav VolodinIt is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 20It is a question about Samoylovsky, Romanovsky, Perelyubsky, Ozinsky, Kalinin, Baltaysky, Dergachevsky, Petrovsky, Atkarsky and other areas, all them 202/4/2022Youri Yurin12115Region News+41 last weekHead of the district since 2015Victor YelinMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2015Victor Yelin244years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 178012:13:17 PMGMT+464RUS+784552Dialing code121Connections+53 last weekPopulation25 140NewsConnections Tree
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