Vereshchagino Perm Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visitedOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visited10/22/2018Maxime ReshetnikovProjects are realized, and the project in the city of Gubakha, in the settlement Ugleuralsky, in Perm already ended, in Lysva we are in the final stage and, actually, here, in the city of VereshchaginoProjects are realized, and the project in the city of11/7/2023Artyom Aleksandrovich BalakhninOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visitedOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visited10/22/2018Maxime ReshetnikovProjects are realized, and the project in the city of Gubakha, in the settlement Ugleuralsky, in Perm already ended, in Lysva we are in the final stage and, actually, here, in the city of VereshchaginoProjects are realized, and the project in the city of11/7/2023Artyom Aleksandrovich BalakhninOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visitedOur main task is a saturation of primary link. First of all experts, in this case cardiologists. And creation of the interterritorial centers. We already have first such experience in Vereshchagino, the center earned, recently it visited10/22/2018Maxime Reshetnikov1248Region News+11 last weekHead of administration since 2006Sergei KondratyevMedia Score: LowJavaScript chart by amCharts 3.21.1Head of administration since 2006Sergei Kondratyev12:56:52 AMGMT+559RUS+7 34254Dialing code110Connections+47 last weekPopulation23 432NewsConnections Tree×
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