Yurga Kemerovo region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on movingNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on moving11/23/2019Dimitri TuleevIt is the third house which in 2022 is put in operation in Yurga, 35 families became new settlers today. Six more apartment houses are in a construction stage. Three of them on 133 apartments it is planned to hand over about New year10/5/2022Sergey TsivilevYurga is very well located and designed, at the territory high potential, and the city very much changed to the best. So, when I came a year ago, there was an open country, the new residential district] now is actively built uYurga is very well located and designed, at the territory high potential, and the city very much changed to the best. So, when I came a year ago, there was an open country, the new residential district] now is actively built u8/17/2021Sergey TsivilevNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on movingNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on moving11/23/2019Dimitri TuleevIt is the third house which in 2022 is put in operation in Yurga, 35 families became new settlers today. Six more apartment houses are in a construction stage. Three of them on 133 apartments it is planned to hand over about New year10/5/2022Sergey TsivilevYurga is very well located and designed, at the territory high potential, and the city very much changed to the best. So, when I came a year ago, there was an open country, the new residential district] now is actively built uYurga is very well located and designed, at the territory high potential, and the city very much changed to the best. So, when I came a year ago, there was an open country, the new residential district] now is actively built u8/17/2021Sergey TsivilevNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on movingNear Yurga, for example, we will construct a new traffic intersection with the overpass, and under Suslovo — a new site of the route for elimination of dangerous turn and the overpass over the railroad that drivers had not to stand more on moving11/23/2019Dimitri Tuleev123163Region News+27 last weekMayor since 2019Aleksey Fomin0Media ScoreMayor since 2019Aleksey Fomin75years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19492:15:06 AMGMT+742RUS+738451Dialing code246Connections+135 last weekPopulation81 073NewsConnections Tree
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