Nurlat Republic of Tatarstan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are createI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are create5/26/2021Farid MukhametshinFor today works on 15 objects are complete, including on two bridges is a bridge in Rich Sabah on the highway and the bridge in Nurlat10/11/2022Edouard DanilovI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are createI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are create5/26/2021Farid MukhametshinFor today works on 15 objects are complete, including on two bridges is a bridge in Rich Sabah on the highway and the bridge in Nurlat10/11/2022Edouard DanilovI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are createI think, the happiest minutes for each family are connected with housewarming when keys from the new apartment are transferred. As a whole today in Nurlat there are a lot of positive changes. New conditions for comfortable life] are create5/26/2021Farid Mukhametshin1254Region News+11 last week since 2023Almaz Akhmetshin0Media Score since 2023Almaz Akhmetshin120years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 190510:05:47 AMGMT+316RUS+7 84345Dialing code86Connections+21 last weekPopulation32 344NewsConnections Tree
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