Zainsk Republic of Tatarstan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on timFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on tim7/2/2021Lyubov AvdoninaSources of heat in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Zainsk are ready. The planned works on thermal networks in Nizhnekamsk and Zainsk are complete completely. In Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny networks are pressured also up, filled and ready to heat giving10/2/2023Rauzil KhazievZamelekesye on number will be same as the city of Zainsk, will live in this residential district to 50 thousand peopleZamelekesye on number will be same as the city of Zainsk, will live in this residential district to 50 thousand people9/15/2021Nail MagdeevFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on timFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on tim7/2/2021Lyubov AvdoninaSources of heat in Kazan, Naberezhnye Chelny and Zainsk are ready. The planned works on thermal networks in Nizhnekamsk and Zainsk are complete completely. In Kazan and Naberezhnye Chelny networks are pressured also up, filled and ready to heat giving10/2/2023Rauzil KhazievZamelekesye on number will be same as the city of Zainsk, will live in this residential district to 50 thousand peopleZamelekesye on number will be same as the city of Zainsk, will live in this residential district to 50 thousand people9/15/2021Nail MagdeevFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on timFrom them positive decisions are made by us on 21 objects, 16 demands are rejected. 13 institutions from Kazan, 5 – from the Zelenodolsk and on one institutions of public catering in the High Mountain, Aznakayevo and Zainsk] can work without restrictions on tim7/2/2021Lyubov Avdonina123126Region News+32 last weekHead of the district since 2015Razif Karimov0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2015Razif Karimov46years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 197811:54:50 AMGMT+316RUS+785558Dialing code185Connections+68 last weekPopulation39 938NewsConnections Tree
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