Nyurba Sakha Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republicIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republic8/26/2021Galina DanchikovaToday in Nyurbe and Antonovk's mudflow quarantine on a brucellosis of dogs remains in two epizootic centers8/11/2023Petr Lukich PetrovIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republicIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republic8/26/2021Galina DanchikovaToday in Nyurbe and Antonovk's mudflow quarantine on a brucellosis of dogs remains in two epizootic centers8/11/2023Petr Lukich PetrovIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republicIt will be big pleasure for inhabitants of the area and all republic who love theater. Now in Nyurbe it will have the base and more opportunities prepares for tours on the republic8/26/2021Galina Danchikova1257Region News+24 last weekHead since 2018Alexander Ignatyevich Ivanov0Media ScoreHead since 2018Alexander Ignatyevich Ivanov27years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19972:05:45 PMGMT+914RUS+741134Dialing code95Connections+60 last weekPopulation9 786NewsConnections Tree
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