Pechora Komi Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter roadThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter road1/30/2023Vladimir UybaIn Naryan-Mar during week-end — to +8 … +13 °C with a good rain. Pechora and Ukhta — on Sunday +11 … +13 °C. Syktyvkar — on Saturday and Sunday +13 … +18 °C, on Monday +9 … +14 °C with the rain8/17/2023Alexander ShuvalovThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter roadThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter road1/30/2023Vladimir UybaIn Naryan-Mar during week-end — to +8 … +13 °C with a good rain. Pechora and Ukhta — on Sunday +11 … +13 °C. Syktyvkar — on Saturday and Sunday +13 … +18 °C, on Monday +9 … +14 °C with the rain8/17/2023Alexander ShuvalovThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter roadThanks to efforts of the Government of the Komi Republic business moved off dead center. We managed to achieve federal financing on bridge construction through the Pechora River and a highway site instead of the winter road1/30/2023Vladimir Uyba12141Region News+24 last weekHead of the city settlement since 2017Alexander Isaevich Shabanov0Media ScoreHead of the city settlement since 2017Alexander Isaevich Shabanov19years oldDate of establishmentMarch 5, 20052:46:09 PMGMT+311RUS+782142Dialing code254Connections+119 last weekPopulation40 048NewsConnections Tree
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