Ishimbay Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all basesWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all bases6/29/2021Rady KhabirovIf to speak about Ishimbay – here good fellows team administrative, they very actively participated and, in my opinion, in the republic, they the most large number of schools kapitalyat8/17/2023Rady KhabirovWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all basesWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all bases6/29/2021Rady KhabirovIf to speak about Ishimbay – here good fellows team administrative, they very actively participated and, in my opinion, in the republic, they the most large number of schools kapitalyat8/17/2023Rady KhabirovWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all basesWe congratulate him. The area develops. Azamat Faritovich, to you progress! Deputies rendered again you trust. We hope, Ishimbay at us will prosper, I believe, for this purpose there are all bases6/29/2021Rady Khabirov1270Region News+26 last weekActing as head since 2019Ilshat ShakirovMedia Score: LowActing as head since 2019Ilshat Shakirov92years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 193210:14:44 PMGMT+52RUS734794Dialing code177Connections+54 last weekPopulation64 307NewsConnections Tree
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