Bolshoye Selo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.The decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.4/18/2017Alexey MillerBy results of departures the positive assessment of preparation for winter of the first is given to Breytovsky, Bolsheselsky, Gavrilov-Yamsky, May Day, Redneck and Rybinsk areas9/12/2023Aleksey RyabchenkovThe decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.The decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.4/18/2017Alexey MillerBy results of departures the positive assessment of preparation for winter of the first is given to Breytovsky, Bolsheselsky, Gavrilov-Yamsky, May Day, Redneck and Rybinsk areas9/12/2023Aleksey RyabchenkovThe decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.The decision on construction of LNG plant with a power of 40 000 t a year in the Bolsheselsky region of the Yaroslavl region is made. We plan that the volume of investment into the project will make more than 2 billion rubles.4/18/2017Alexey Miller1222Region News+5 last weekHead of the rural settlement since 2008Vladimir Alekseevich LubeninMedia Score: LowHead of the rural settlement since 2008Vladimir Alekseevich Lubenin2:15:33 PMGMT+376RUS+748542Dialing code48Connections+25 last weekPopulation9 234NewsConnections Tree
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