Chern district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 2024In 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 202411/17/2022Oleg Ivanovich DyuchkovFor 2023 construction of a new kindergarten in Tula, three new schools totally is planned for 1600 places. Overhaul of nine schools – three in Tula, three in Plavsk, two in Efremov and one in the Chernsky area] is planne6/19/2023Vyacheslav FedorishchevIn 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 2024In 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 202411/17/2022Oleg Ivanovich DyuchkovFor 2023 construction of a new kindergarten in Tula, three new schools totally is planned for 1600 places. Overhaul of nine schools – three in Tula, three in Plavsk, two in Efremov and one in the Chernsky area] is planne6/19/2023Vyacheslav FedorishchevIn 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 2024In 2023 completion of building of two objects in the city Don and in the Suvorovsky area is planned. Four more objects will start building in Bogoroditsky, Warm Ogarevskom, Chernsky areas and in Novomoskovsk. Date of completion of these works - 202411/17/2022Oleg Ivanovich Dyuchkov1225Region News+6 last weekHead of administration since 2016Valery BeloshitskyMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2016Valery Beloshitsky12:40:38 PMGMT+371RUS48756Dialing code95Connections+16 last weekPopulation19 732NewsConnections Tree
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