Uglegorsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery LimarenkoThe commander of the tank, the lieutenant Alexander Levakov – the radical resident of Sakhalin, a sort from the item of Boshnyakovo of the Uglegorsk area, arrived to Sakhalin to short-term holiday10/20/2023Andrey Alekseevich KhapochkinTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery LimarenkoThe commander of the tank, the lieutenant Alexander Levakov – the radical resident of Sakhalin, a sort from the item of Boshnyakovo of the Uglegorsk area, arrived to Sakhalin to short-term holiday10/20/2023Andrey Alekseevich KhapochkinTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk areaTo us news of death in a zone of special military operation of the lance sergeant of Kharkov Anton came from the Poronaysky area and the ensign Suvorov Alexey from the Uglegorsk area7/26/2023Valery Limarenko1270Region News+19 last weekSergei Doroshchuk0Media ScoreSergei Doroshchuk9:00:47 AMGMT+1065RUS+7 42432Dialing code103Connections+46 last weekPopulation17 306NewsConnections Tree
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Far Eastern Federal DistrictЧасть Углегорского района осталась без светаASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television3/11/2025CompaniesGeography19 secEcologyМартовская метель обрушится на СахалинASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television3/11/2025Geography1.2 minEcologyНа Сахалине сразу в 11 районах объявлена лавинная опасностьState TV and Radio Broadcasting Company "Sakhalin"3/11/2025Geography20 secLawСахалинские полицейские задержали наркогруппу и поставщика с 17 кг марихуаныSakhalin and Kuriles3/10/2025CompaniesGeography1.2 minEcologyЛавинную опасность объявили в Сахалинской областиdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"3/10/2025GeographyMedia26 secAccidentsПолицейские Сахалина изъяли более 17 кг марихуаны у двух сбытчиков, двух потребителей и поставщика зелья3/10/2025CompaniesGeographyLaws1.4 min
Trending LawsMost discussed today42Forest code of the Russian FederationRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsOrganizations28Places23Events13People12Technologies3Laws2
TechnologyНа Солнцевском угольном разрезе тестируют автоматическую систему контроля качества воды — the Internet portal of community of energy industry3/10/2025PeopleGeography52 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictПожароопасный сезон начнется в Сахалинской области с 15 апреляSakhalin and Kuriles3/5/2025CompaniesGeography1.3 minHousing and Utility SectorПлощадь имени Ленина обновят в Долинске и НевельскеSakhalin and Kuriles3/5/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography1.3 minTransportationМост через реку Водолей в Углегорском районе реконструируют до середины летаSakhalin and Kuriles3/4/2025Geography35 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictУ школьников из села Краснополье появится собственный театрSakhalinMedia.ru3/4/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia41 secAccidentsПять пьяных водителей задержали на Сахалине 3 мартаSakhalin and Kuriles3/4/2025GeographyProducts1.1 min