Balashov district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three childrenAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three children5/8/2023Youri YurinFor reproduction of the woods 48 units of equipment and technicians are bought. At the end of September disembarkation of the woods in the Balashov and Marxian areas are planned. Own saplings grow up in nursery in New Burasakh9/17/2023Roman BusarginAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three childrenAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three children5/8/2023Youri YurinFor reproduction of the woods 48 units of equipment and technicians are bought. At the end of September disembarkation of the woods in the Balashov and Marxian areas are planned. Own saplings grow up in nursery in New Burasakh9/17/2023Roman BusarginAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three childrenAt 14:58 in service "112" the message that in the Balashov area near Big Melik's village there was Ford and motorcycle collision arrived. As a result of road accident seven people suffered. Four adults and three children5/8/2023Youri Yurin1290Region News+12 last weekHead since 2017Pavel Mikhaylovich Petrakov0Media ScoreHead since 2017Pavel Mikhaylovich Petrakov8:18:42 PMGMT+464RUS+784545Dialing code143Connections+39 last weekPopulation106 107NewsConnections Tree
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