Livny district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not presentToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not present9/15/2023Andrey KlychkovThis morning in the territory of the Livensky region of the Oryol region means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. The situation is under control, victims are not present11/10/2023Andrey KlychkovToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not presentToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not present9/15/2023Andrey KlychkovThis morning in the territory of the Livensky region of the Oryol region means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. The situation is under control, victims are not present11/10/2023Andrey KlychkovToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not presentToday in the territory of the Livensky area means of radio-electronic fight neutralized the next unmanned aerial vehicle. It fell near the village the Free Oak grove, damages and victims are not present9/15/2023Andrey Klychkov1268Region News+20 last weekHead of the area since 2004Youri Nikolaevich RevinMedia Score: LowHead of the area since 2004Youri Nikolaevich Revin1:08:51 PMGMT+357RUS748677Dialing code89Connections+31 last weekPopulation29 894NewsConnections Tree
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AccidentsВ Ливенском районе вынесен приговор по уголовному делу о покушении на убийствоProsecutor's office of the Oryol region2/12/2025CompaniesGeography41 secCentral Federal DistrictПятиклассники Жилинской школы стали кадетами-спасателями2/11/2025CompaniesGeographyPeople21 secAgricultureОрловское предприятие поймали на превышении доз пестицидов при обработке посевов2/11/2025CompaniesGeographyMedia24 secSecurityСотрудники Росгвардии проверили торговый объект на антитеррористическую защищенность2/10/2025GeographyCompanies33 secEcologyЭксперт рассказала об угрозах нашествия опасных паразитов на Орловскую область2/10/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography3.5 minCentral Federal DistrictВ Орловской области за год выявили 186 новых ВИЧ-инфицированных2/7/2025GeographyPeopleCompanies27 sec