Zalegosch district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on OrlovshchinaWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on Orlovshchina6/29/2018Andrey KlychkovThe most difficult situation in the Zalegoshchensky area – five schools, 482 being trained. On this area special monitoring events] are hel12/20/2022Andrey KlychkovWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on OrlovshchinaWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on Orlovshchina6/29/2018Andrey KlychkovThe most difficult situation in the Zalegoshchensky area – five schools, 482 being trained. On this area special monitoring events] are hel12/20/2022Andrey KlychkovWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on OrlovshchinaWe have no doubts that with assistance of the regional power the Zalegoshchensky area will continue the forward development, and will go in vanguard of all positive changes which already started happening on Orlovshchina6/29/2018Andrey Klychkov1231Region News+9 last weekHead of the area since 2011Victor Nikolaevich Brezhnev0Media ScoreHead of the area since 2011Victor Nikolaevich Brezhnev1:07:36 AMGMT+357RUS748648Dialing code66Connections+10 last weekPopulation13 679NewsConnections Tree
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