Kargat district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk regionFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk region4/24/2018Victor OrlovFor convenient and fast transportation to Novosibirsk since 01.01.2023 intra municipal routes of the Tatar, Chanovsky, Barabinsk, Kuibyshev, Ubinsky, Kargatsky areas] will be change12/28/2022Anatoly KostylevskyFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk regionFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk region4/24/2018Victor OrlovFor convenient and fast transportation to Novosibirsk since 01.01.2023 intra municipal routes of the Tatar, Chanovsky, Barabinsk, Kuibyshev, Ubinsky, Kargatsky areas] will be change12/28/2022Anatoly KostylevskyFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk regionFell a dry grass created threat of transition of fire in the territory of the Novosibirsk Plant of Artificial Fibre (NPAF), recreation facility "Balush" in the Iskitimsky area, and also on two settlements in the Kargatsky region of the Novosibirsk region4/24/2018Victor Orlov125Region News+0 last weekHead since 2008Valery Aleksandrovich FlekMedia Score: LowHead since 2008Valery Aleksandrovich Flek11:12:32 AMGMT+754RUS38365Dialing code28Connections+0 last weekPopulation15 847NewsConnections Tree
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