Diveevo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potentialWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potential8/21/2018Gleb NikitinThis year distribution in the Arzamas and Diveevsky areas among persons who did not consist on the account in policlinics is valid or did not take root. But now the situation starts being stabilized11/15/2023Natalia SadykovaWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potentialWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potential8/21/2018Gleb NikitinThis year distribution in the Arzamas and Diveevsky areas among persons who did not consist on the account in policlinics is valid or did not take root. But now the situation starts being stabilized11/15/2023Natalia SadykovaWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potentialWe perceive usually Diveevsky area as the spiritual center of the region and the country, one of the main directions where orthodox pilgrims go. But, besides, the area has also serious production potential8/21/2018Gleb Nikitin1215Region News+6 last weekHead of local government since 2019Sergei Aleksandrovich KuchinMedia Score: LowHead of local government since 2019Sergei Aleksandrovich Kuchin4:37:35 PMGMT+352RUS+73134Dialing code50Connections+23 last weekPopulation15 902NewsConnections Tree
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