Ramenskoye district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its detailsAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its details6/18/2019Irina VolkOne more UAV, trying to carry out attack to Moscow, is brought down tonight by air defense forces in Ramensky district of the Moscow region. Destructions and the fragments which have injured after falling also are not present previously9/17/2023Sergey SobyaninAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its detailsAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its details6/18/2019Irina VolkOne more UAV, trying to carry out attack to Moscow, is brought down tonight by air defense forces in Ramensky district of the Moscow region. Destructions and the fragments which have injured after falling also are not present previously9/17/2023Sergey SobyaninAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its detailsAccording to available information, this person involved four times went to the temple of the village of Krivtsa of Ramensky district of Moscow area where planned illegal act and studied its details6/18/2019Irina Volk1285Region News+16 last weekVictor Nevolin0Media ScoreVictor Nevolin6:34:02 AMGMT+350RUS+749646Dialing code183Connections+71 last weekPopulation305 988NewsConnections Tree
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