Ohotsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThese measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 25These measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 253/9/2021Maxime TarasovSeparately agreed with the fishery enterprises of the Okhotsky area. Charged to perform medical inspection of all workers11/8/2023Eugenie Leonidovich NikonovThese measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 25These measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 253/9/2021Maxime TarasovSeparately agreed with the fishery enterprises of the Okhotsky area. Charged to perform medical inspection of all workers11/8/2023Eugenie Leonidovich NikonovThese measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 25These measures of support allow to keep the total number of businessmen of northern areas approximately at one level: for January 1, 2020 in Ayano-Maysky, Okhotsky and Tuguro-Chumikansky areas there were 260 subjects, for January 1 2021 - 253/9/2021Maxime Tarasov1222Region News+7 last weekActing as head since 2020Maxime Aleksandrovich KlimovMedia Score: LowActing as head since 2020Maxime Aleksandrovich Klimov11:33:10 PMGMT+1027RUS+742141Dialing code43Connections+16 last weekPopulation6 121NewsConnections Tree
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LawСемейное счастье или строительный кошмар: сахалинцы судятся с застройщикамиASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television12/12/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.4 minInternetМТС запустила 4G в самом северном селе Хабаровского края12/12/2024ProductsPeopleCompaniesGeography1.1 minInternetМТС запустила 4G в самом северном селе Хабаровского края12/11/2024ProductsPeopleGeographyCompanies59 secTechnologyВ Хабаровском крае высокоскоростной мобильный интернет провели в село АркаMK.RU Khabarovsk12/11/2024GeographyCompaniesProducts35 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictТеплоэнергосервис спишет пени к Новому годSakhaPress.ru12/10/2024MediaCompaniesGeography1.1 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictПодведены предварительные итоги 2024 года в рыбной отрасли Хабаровского края12/9/2024CompaniesGeography1.9 min
Trending PlacesMost discussed today76Khabarovsk territoryRating: 6252Mention frequency6252ConnectionsOrganizations1296Places829People709Events193Technologies115Laws23
Far Eastern Federal DistrictВетеринарная служба Хабаровского края получила новые автомобили12/8/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople1.1 minSecurityВетеринарная служба Хабаровского края обновила парк техники12/6/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography37 secHealthНовый транспорт закупили для ветеринарной службы Хабаровского краяdaily social and political business newspaper "Izvestiya"12/6/2024CompaniesPeopleMediaGeography29 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictНовые автомобили переданы ветеринарам в Хабаровском крае12/6/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople1 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictАэропорт в Хабаровском крае закрыт из-за расчистки ВПП от снегаPRIME12/5/2024GeographyCompanies38 secFar Eastern Federal DistrictБолее 8 млн рублей выделят Охотскому району на развитие оленеводства12/3/2024GeographyPeopleCompanies34 sec