Zarinsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky areaAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky area10/4/2017Alexander KarlinThis year in Zarinsk the area it is planned to start a dairy farm on 3 000 cows. The volume of investment — 7 billion rubles. There will be about 200 workplaces3/16/2023Victor Petrovich TomenkoAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky areaAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky area10/4/2017Alexander KarlinThis year in Zarinsk the area it is planned to start a dairy farm on 3 000 cows. The volume of investment — 7 billion rubles. There will be about 200 workplaces3/16/2023Victor Petrovich TomenkoAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky areaAlso Zarinsky area is adequately declared on a number of projects. There is a work on creation of a sports and tourist cluster near the settlement Tyagun of the Zarinsky area10/4/2017Alexander Karlin1232Region News+11 last weekValery Timiryazev0Media ScoreValery Timiryazev5:25:58 PMGMT+722RUS+738595Dialing code83Connections+20 last weekPopulation17 464NewsConnections Tree
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Siberian Federal DistrictТакой день. Невнимательный студент, ставший жертвой аферистов, и "сплошные" пожарыAMITEL NEWS AGENCY2/6/2025GeographyPeopleMedia1 minAccidentsСводка происшествий. Что случилось в Алтайском крае 4 и 5 февраляAltapress2/5/2025GeographyMediaCompaniesProductsPeople53 secEducationЗнания на миллион. На какие выплаты могут рассчитывать алтайские учителяAltapress2/5/2025GeographyProductsPeopleCompaniesMedia2.8 minEducationСтали известны имена победителей заочного этапа конкурса «Учитель года Алтая — 2025»Katun 242/3/2025PeopleGeographyCompanies39 secAccidentsЭлектричка насмерть сбила женщину в Заринском районеBankfaks2/3/2025GeographyCompanies32 secAccidentsЖительница Алтайского края купила машину у матери, из-за чего потеряла праваMK-Barnaul1/31/2025CompaniesMediaGeography46 sec