Mozhga district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be builIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be buil9/24/2023Сергей Андреевич БагинAs leave a situation – come on gas stations, including on tractors refuel because other option simply is not present. I saw information that in the Mozhginsky area at gas station any more do not allow to refuel. There are already such difficulties9/27/2023Olga AbramovaIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be builIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be buil9/24/2023Сергей Андреевич БагинAs leave a situation – come on gas stations, including on tractors refuel because other option simply is not present. I saw information that in the Mozhginsky area at gas station any more do not allow to refuel. There are already such difficulties9/27/2023Olga AbramovaIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be builIn 2024 five more new modular medical assistant's and obstetric points in Debesskom, by the Krasnogorsk, Vavozhsky, Malopurginsky, Mozhginsky areas and 2 medical out-patient clinics in Vavozhsky and Zavyalovsky areas] will be buil9/24/2023Сергей Андреевич Багин1253Region News+10 last weekHead of the municipality since 2018Alexander Vasilyev0Media ScoreHead of the municipality since 2018Alexander Vasilyev2:33:48 PMGMT+418RUS+734139Dialing code135Connections+37 last weekPopulation26 493NewsConnections Tree
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