Tetyushi district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media Score1,4 million hectares, or 98% of the areas are threshed. It was necessary to clean 25 thousand hectares, from them 10 thousand hectares – a spring-sown field and 15 thousand hectares – a buckwheat. The greatest contribution Tetyushsky, Buinsky and Arsky areas brought everyone in a loaf of the republic – over 150 thousand tons9/5/2023Marat Zyabbarov159Region News+33 last weekHead since 2014Ramis Safiullov0Media ScoreHead since 2014Ramis Safiullov7:34:54 PMGMT+316RUS884373Dialing code308Connections+150 last weekPopulation22 042NewsConnections Tree
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