Novosheshminsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reachedWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reached8/29/2018Rustam MinnikhanovThe second unsuccessful point in Tatarstan — is a brucellosis in the Novosheshminsky region of Tatarstan. In September we imposed restrictions. Today all livestock is handed over on slaughter9/26/2023Almaz Gaptraupovich KhisamutdinovWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reachedWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reached8/29/2018Rustam MinnikhanovThe second unsuccessful point in Tatarstan — is a brucellosis in the Novosheshminsky region of Tatarstan. In September we imposed restrictions. Today all livestock is handed over on slaughter9/26/2023Almaz Gaptraupovich KhisamutdinovWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reachedWell and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in the Novosheshminsky area — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reached8/29/2018Rustam Minnikhanov1227Region News+17 last weekHead since 2010Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich KozlovMedia Score: LowHead since 2010Vyacheslav Mikhaylovich Kozlov11:27:09 PMGMT+316RUS84348Dialing code104Connections+50 last weekPopulation13 045NewsConnections Tree
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