One man is no man: small and medium business in Republic of Tatarstan

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MSP in Republic of Tatarstan is in a difficult situation. There is a lot of support programs, the business ombudsman works. However businessmen complain from year to year of the same problems, among which on the first place administrative pressure. Interrogated Inkazan representatives businesses declared that state support is not interesting to them.

B 2018 of Minekonomiki Republic of Tatarstan reported more than about 169,2 thousand subjects of small and average businesses. From them more than 75096 – small enterprises, 441 – averages and 93701 – individual entrepreneurs. By number of subjects of MSP Republic of Tatarstan takes 1 place in Volga Federal District. The total turnover reached nearly 1,7 trillion rub.

However the share of small and medium business in a gross regional product makes 25,6%. Ministry economy Republic of Tatarstan reported about the provision of MSP in State Council of the Republic of Tatarstan in the spring of this year. The deputies who have heard the report came to a conclusion that the region will not be able to embody in reality put in strategy of social and economic developments indicators. And, on inertial, especially on the optimistical. In the first 29% of MSP in VRP structure, in the second – 35% are put.

Among other things, the parliament of the republic recommended to executive authorities to increase volumes of state support of businessmen. The republican ministry in the same report reported that from 2010 to 2018 Republic of Tatarstan received on support of MSP 7,7 billion rubles from 137 billions allocated for these purposes over the country. That is RT got 5,6%.


In the region the program for support of MSP works. It budget for 2018-2020 makes 3 billion rubles from local budgets. Minekonomika RT reported about given out, since 2015, more than one thousand microloans through the microfinancing center for the sum of 1,3 billion rubles. The RT guarantee fund since 2010 issued 700 guarantees for the sum more than 2,9 billion. The sum of the provided credits MSP exceeded 10,8 billion rubles. The Regional leasing company created in 2017 financed 12 projects on 376 million rubley.

Aleksey Pesoshin
the Prime minister Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Pesoshin reported on August 28 business e-newspaper "Business Online" that for the I half-year 2018 representatives of MSP received 66 microloans for the sum more than 131 million rubles, 53 guarantees for the sum more than 398 million rubles. It allowed businessmen to attract loans for total amount nearly 1,5 billion rubles.

"As a whole, we realize the biggest range of programs from all that, in principle, it would be possible to make. The program of industrial parks — at us is them already 62 in the republic. It even is more, than number of municipal areas. These are almost ready platforms with connection on which businessmen can develop the business. The Leasing grant program which became federal, once in general was thought up long ago in Republic of Tatarstan. We are her authors and initiators. Subsidizing of an interest rate for management companies — it in general purely republican program which we for ourselves realize, for the businessmen. Therefore I consider that they effective, successful. Considering, what interest they cause and in enterprise community, and in mass media, it is necessary to tell that they are in demand", - declared Inkazan the deputy minister of economy of RT Tarkaeva Natalia .

Tarkaeva Natalia

"I even attempt to receive state support yet did not do business e-newspaper "Business Online" told in conversation with Inkazan.

the Owner of the Kazan network "Capital Bouquet" Senkovsky Eugenie supported Ashantsev Yvan. According to him, they do not use state support. An attempt made, but only. He told that a few years ago him company decided to try to receive subsidies for businesses. Documents processed, passed all stages, but it was refused. "Positive I cannot tell anything", - Senkovsky Eugenie noticed. According to him, it is not interesting to participate in any programs of support of MSP its companies.

the Leasing grant Program which the Ministry of Economics characterized in the report before the State Council as "popular", in 2016 poured out in criminal case. Now under courts there is a former head of Association small and medium business RT Khaliullin Khaydar . According to the investigators, it lobbied interests of false firms at distribution of grants, and then drew interest. However, at the meeting which has passed in August witnesses disproved it.

Khaliullin Khaydar
Inappropriate use subsidies opened with

the Ministry of Economics of Tatarstan. The assistant Khaliullin Khaydar Ayupov Timur became the first detainee. The head of the center of support of business of that time Shavaleev Dilyus told to journalists what to address in police Artem Zdunov , then the Minister of Economics of RT, since February – chapter Government of the Republic of Dagestan ordered Artem Alekseevich Zdunov after scandal with "Leasing grant" left work, having become the head of Guarantee fund Republic of Tatarstan. Then Artem Alekseevich Zdunov took away him to Republic of Dagestan the adviser. However already in April, that is it is less than in 2 months after appointment, Shavaleev Dilyus left at own will. Its new place of work is not known. Hearings went that Khaliullin Khaydar detained that it gave evidences against the high-ranking officials Tatarstan mineko and establishments under control to it. Interlocutors of Inkazan called a surname of the same Shavaleev Dilyus. However any detentions it was not made.

Scandal with arrest Khaliullin Khaydar removed in a public field a problem of the relation to small and medium business Republic of Tatarstan from the representative on protection of the rights of businessmen. Nagumanov Timur at all did not support the person who in fact has to be his next colleague. In difference from the federal ombudsman Boris Titov which promised to understand a situation with Khaliullin Khaydar.

Nagumanov Timur

Association of MSP, as well as her head, have no influence in Republic of Tatarstan. And Nagumanov Timur throughout work of business ombudsmen instead of lobbying interests of MSP in power structures, acts as the protective buffer for officials. In the conflicts businesses with the power the ombudsman to the last tries to close to them eyes.

the Position of the representative on protection of the rights of businessmen is included into structure of administration of the head of RT. That is Nagumanov Timur is an official. Experience of maintaining own businesses at Nagumanov Timur is not present. Behind shoulders of a pit of the hired manager at it including at the enterprises of agroholding which the person involved in one more high-profile criminal case, the former chairman of the board controlled PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "TATFONDBANK" Musin Robert . Before appointment as the ombudsman Nagumanov Timur worked within 6 years worked with chapter Drozhzhanovsky district. In a rating of business activity of municipalities RT which prepares the device Nagumanov Timur, Drozhzhanovsky district this year took only 21 places. Judging by poll, MSP in the former ancestral lands of the ombudsman Zaripov

tests negative nastroyeniya.

Zaripov Ildus

the Position of the business and representative in Republic of Tatarstan exist since 2013. Nagumanov Timur occupies it from the very beginning. In August, 2018 of its power prolonged for 5 years. In August, 2017 in Republic of Tatarstan scandal which showed the attitudes of the ombudsman to the wards burst. RT is a question about Tyulyachi district in which local "CONSTRUCTION COMPANY "STROITEL CITY" did not want to pay with several businessmen for the put services and goods. Among businessmen who had problems with "Builder" there was Ashantsev Yvan.

Businessmen complained to
Nurullin Rustyam

When a problem left in a public field, about it wrote mass media, first of which there was an Inkazan edition, Nagumanov Timur claimed that it is a question not of a system problem, and of the conflict of two managing subjects. In October the ombudsman presented the first rating of business activity of municipalities RT and moods businesses. Tyulyachi district appeared on leading positions. Were indignant and businessmen , and heads of some municipalities, for example, Leninogorsk district.

"If to consider that moment that the issue was resolved only with us, and with the others in a hover, that, it seems to me, it is unfair, - commented on a rating of regions of RT with Tyulyachami on leading positions Ashantsev Yvan, - It is necessary to solve somehow at first questions debt with businessmen, and then to be called as the first place or the second. Money have to come back at once as put a material. Well or at least on a small signal".

B 2018 the second rating was ready. By this moment the area was scarified by Rustam Minnikhanov, having called contractors working there on republican programs (and "Builder" was one of those) "unscrupulous people" . Absolutely wild fact of construction of houses for residents of local science and technology park from the brick which was in the use was opened. It managed to be discharged from office, and then to become the person involved in criminal case about under corruption articles heading executive committee Tyulyachi district to Nurullin Rustyam . In a rating that Nagumanov Timur presented the other day, Tyulyachi district on activity businesses fell with 2 on 5 place, on moods of MSP – with 1 on 2. Authors of research claim that moods at MSP in the area the neutral. Nagumanov Timur after an exit of the second rating declared that a rating it is possible to call "value judgment businesses" and "it is not necessary doubting figures at all".

"As far as I heard

(to other businessmen – Inkazan) did not return anything, kopek. I do not think that there now – bang! – also returned money. Probably, and there is nothing to return, judging by the last circumstances – on them there criminal cases are opened", - Ashantsev Yvan told.

are able to Close eyes to problems of MSP in Republic of Tatarstan. When the same Nagumanov Timur only started working, in the region introduced, at first sight, progressive formats: meetings "Business and power. Straight talk" when businessmen could ask questions to officials or representatives of supervisory authorities. In 2016 there was a council for business at the head of RT. However upon a problem do not decide. As in 2013 on start of work Nagumanov Timur representatives of MSP complained of administrative pressure and checks, and in the 2018th when it went to the second term, problems remained the same. In the spring the head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Republic of Tatarstan Ageev Shamil declared that in the republic business is more difficult than a message, than in the neighboring regions.

"We have administrative pressure in Republic of Tatarstan much more, than to Nizhny Novgorod Region, Republic of Bashkortostan", - he, 5 years later after start in Republic of Tatarstan told operation of the device ombudsmena.

sprava - on the left: Shagiakhmetov Midkhat, Ageev Shamil, Rustam Minnikhanov, Nagumanov Timur and Gazizov Azat

Besides an absolute indifference and contempt from the ombudsman to their problems, the Tatarstan MSP faces with similar or still the worst relation from heads of municipal areas Republic of Tatarstan. Even in those MO where there were no such scandals as in headed Zaripov Ildus Tyulyachakh. Lack of interest at regional heads to development MSP regularly lift a problem in connection with stagnation of municipal industrial platforms which mentioned Tarkaeva Natalia.

They started developing in the region since 2012. In 2014 of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Republic of Tatarstan called them inefficient following the results of audits. In some municipalities, representatives of chamber declared then, an industrial site call "an open country or skeletons from cowsheds". To a problem more than once paid attention chapter Republic of Tatarstan. This year he several times brought up a question of efficiency of industrial platforms. In February on board of Ministry of Economics Aksubayevsky, Novosheshminsky, Nurlatsky, Pestrechinsky and Rybnoslobodsky areas got to a zone of criticism. In May it allocated, as insufficiently effective in development, platforms in Chistopol and Mamadysh.

"Well and the annoying: there are two platforms — prompark "Vyatka" and an industrial site in Novosheshminsk district — where our investments, including federal. While efficiency is not reached", - Rustam Minnikhanov told. Then he was indignant that in these areas is not present wishing to be trained in business bases according to the free program.

"Means, you do not want to work. You are incapable people, you in your territories have no prospect", - Rustam Minnikhanov

Foto: business e-newspaper "Business Online"

the Head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Ageev Shamil in conversation with Inkazan noted that now volumes of the state support are reduced, and small, medium-sized enterprises including. Whether "State support is necessary in general? " - it asked a question.

In his opinion, it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for businesses: tax preferences available credits. For beginners – the help in receiving specialty is necessary. "We have a thoughtless business. Think, came, at once money earned. So does not happen", - he noticed.

Ageev Shamil noted that in questions of state support of MSP care is necessary. Formats tried much.

"Any of forms of support becomes isolated on a kumovstvo. As soon as there are preferential terms, at once there is a brother, the matchmaker, studied - did not study together. Whatever spoke, in any country it is – Italy, Germany, England, forms only different", - the head of Chamber of Commerce and Industry Republic of Tatarstan complained.

Ageev called

Ageev Shamil "heavy". And the point in this question, was noted by him, to put while rano.

Rustam Minnikhanov
Last position: President of the Republic of Tatarstan (President of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Aleksey Pesoshin
Last position: Prime minister (Government of the Republic of Tatarstan)
Artyom Alekseevich Zdunov
Main activity:Politician
Mikhail Babich
Last position: Deputy director (Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation)
Boris Titov