Mendeleyevsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal areaThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal area11/16/2021Ilnur GaripovWhat beauty, look! And what there in the distance grows white? Mendeleevsk? And, I see Radmir Ildarovich (Belyaeva, the head of the Mendeleevsky area – an editor's note), too on a workplace since morning8/19/2023Nail MagdeevThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal areaThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal area11/16/2021Ilnur GaripovWhat beauty, look! And what there in the distance grows white? Mendeleevsk? And, I see Radmir Ildarovich (Belyaeva, the head of the Mendeleevsky area – an editor's note), too on a workplace since morning8/19/2023Nail MagdeevThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal areaThe area already in detail studied, it for the Mendeleevsky region of people not the stranger, was born in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny. Radmir Ildarovich the authoritative head in the republic. We are sure that it will successfully cope with the leaders of the municipal area11/16/2021Ilnur Garipov12135Region News+27 last week0Media Score94years oldDate of establishmentAugust 10, 19305:00:17 AMGMT+316RUS85549Dialing code204Connections+51 last weekPopulation30 264NewsConnections Tree
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