Drozhzhanovsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will getThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will get7/15/2021Marat ZyabbarovAt the same time in 15 areas the national project objectives are not achieved. Especially disturbing situation in Aksubayevsky, Atninsky and Drozhzhanovsky areas9/11/2021Lenar GabdurakhmanovThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will getThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will get7/15/2021Marat ZyabbarovAt the same time in 15 areas the national project objectives are not achieved. Especially disturbing situation in Aksubayevsky, Atninsky and Drozhzhanovsky areas9/11/2021Lenar GabdurakhmanovThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will getThe emergency mode in the republic entered in 42 areas, (under emergency mode action - IF) only the Drozhzhanovsky area did not get. But if such weather stands, it too will get7/15/2021Marat Zyabbarov1232Region News+17 last weekHead since 2018Marat Gafarov0Media ScoreHead since 2018Marat Gafarov3:07:00 PMGMT+316RUS+784375Dialing code98Connections+40 last weekPopulation21 836NewsConnections Tree
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