Bugulma district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the ZelenodolskSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the Zelenodolsk3/11/2023Rustam MinnikhanovWork on the earth very difficult but when you see result of this work on counters, you understand, are able to work in the Bugulma area and love. I thank those who is rather keen on business which is engaged in! 11/27/2023Linar ZakirovRamys forever remains in memory not only the family, but also all fellows villager — inhabitants of the Bugulma areaRamys forever remains in memory not only the family, but also all fellows villager — inhabitants of the Bugulma area10/23/2023Linar ZakirovSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the ZelenodolskSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the Zelenodolsk3/11/2023Rustam MinnikhanovWork on the earth very difficult but when you see result of this work on counters, you understand, are able to work in the Bugulma area and love. I thank those who is rather keen on business which is engaged in! 11/27/2023Linar ZakirovRamys forever remains in memory not only the family, but also all fellows villager — inhabitants of the Bugulma areaRamys forever remains in memory not only the family, but also all fellows villager — inhabitants of the Bugulma area10/23/2023Linar ZakirovSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the ZelenodolskSince the beginning of calendar spring the multiple growth of addresses on this subject is noted. The greatest number of complaints in the Bugulma, Bavly areas, and also in Leninogorsk and the Zelenodolsk3/11/2023Rustam Minnikhanov12366Region News+16 last weekHead since 2014Linar Zakirov0Media ScoreHead since 2014Linar Zakirov12:51:44 AMGMT+316RUS133Connections+42 last weekPopulation104 416NewsConnections Tree
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