Izberbash Republic of Dagestan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourismBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourism10/19/2021Sergei MelikovWithin the program of repair and overhaul of highways for 2023 in Izberbash provided repair of 20 streets. Last year repaired only 107/13/2023Magomed Kurbankadievich IsakovThe centralized library system of the city of Kizilyurt — is the fifth model library in the republic. Following the doors for readers will be opened by city library — branch No. 1 TsBS of IzberbashThe centralized library system of the city of Kizilyurt — is the fifth model library in the republic. Following the doors for readers will be opened by city library — branch No. 1 TsBS of Izberbash10/26/2022Zarema ButaevaBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourismBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourism10/19/2021Sergei MelikovWithin the program of repair and overhaul of highways for 2023 in Izberbash provided repair of 20 streets. Last year repaired only 107/13/2023Magomed Kurbankadievich IsakovThe centralized library system of the city of Kizilyurt — is the fifth model library in the republic. Following the doors for readers will be opened by city library — branch No. 1 TsBS of IzberbashThe centralized library system of the city of Kizilyurt — is the fifth model library in the republic. Following the doors for readers will be opened by city library — branch No. 1 TsBS of Izberbash10/26/2022Zarema ButaevaBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourismBetween Izberbash and the Dagestan Fires - there very pure sea, good sandy beaches - we want to develop a coastal site as the territory of beach tourism10/19/2021Sergei Melikov12370Region News+15 last weekHead since 2019Magomed Kurbankadievich Isakov0Media ScoreHead since 2019Magomed Kurbankadievich Isakov92years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19328:45:39 AMGMT+35RUS787245Dialing code183Connections+59 last weekPopulation60 453NewsConnections Tree
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Trending PeopleMost discussed today72Yanis TimmaRating: 28-33Mention frequency28-33ConnectionsPeople177Places105Events97Organizations48Technologies16
Social policyЕнисейским управлением Роскомнадзора выявлены нарушения в деятельности АО «Почта России»Yenisei management of Roskomnadzor12/16/2024LawsCompaniesGeography1 minSocial policyОткрытие мемориальных плит выпускникам школ-участникам СВО прошло в Избербаше12/16/2024PeopleGeography24 secExhibitionsВыставка «Родники Дагестана» откроется в Махачкале12/14/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography44 secHealthМинздрав Дагестана частично удовлетворил обращение многодетной матери из Избербаша12/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography29 secLawГлаву минздрава Владимирской области задержалиGazeta.Ru12/13/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts49 secSocial policyЮристы Дагестана повышают квалификацию по программе «Демография»12/10/2024PeopleGeographyCompanies29 sec