Uzhur Krasnoyarsk Territory, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to childrenThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to children12/11/2022Vera OskinaRe-equipment of a rocket division in Kozelsk on the Yars missile system will be complete in 2025. In the next plans - statement on fighting watch of a rocket regiment in Uzhure with the new Sarmatian missile system12/16/2023Sergei KarakaevThis choice is in many respects caused by that in the rocket division deployed in Uzhura, technical capability of placement of missile systems of a "heavy" class with the liquid intercontinental ballistic missile is providedThis choice is in many respects caused by that in the rocket division deployed in Uzhura, technical capability of placement of missile systems of a "heavy" class with the liquid intercontinental ballistic missile is provided12/16/2022Sergei KarakaevThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to childrenThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to children12/11/2022Vera OskinaRe-equipment of a rocket division in Kozelsk on the Yars missile system will be complete in 2025. In the next plans - statement on fighting watch of a rocket regiment in Uzhure with the new Sarmatian missile system12/16/2023Sergei KarakaevThis choice is in many respects caused by that in the rocket division deployed in Uzhura, technical capability of placement of missile systems of a "heavy" class with the liquid intercontinental ballistic missile is providedThis choice is in many respects caused by that in the rocket division deployed in Uzhura, technical capability of placement of missile systems of a "heavy" class with the liquid intercontinental ballistic missile is provided12/16/2022Sergei KarakaevThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to childrenThe region for the second time participates in an action. This year some territories of the region joined it: Achinsk, Uzhur, Nazarovsky area. People collected different toys, albums, notebooks to transfer them to children12/11/2022Vera Oskina12351Region News+10 last weekMayor since 2015Oleg KirillovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2015Oleg Kirillov265years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 17609:14:45 PMGMT+724RUS+7 39156Dialing code79Connections+3 last weekPopulation15 563NewsConnections Tree
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