PJSC AvtoVAZ Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remadeI consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remade11/19/2018SheetsAs you know, on March 23 we announced the decision to suspend our business in Russia and to estimate opportunities concerning our share in "AvtoVAZ". Negotiations proceed, and there is a progress4/22/2022information agency "Interfaks"I consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remadeI consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remade11/19/2018SheetsAs you know, on March 23 we announced the decision to suspend our business in Russia and to estimate opportunities concerning our share in "AvtoVAZ". Negotiations proceed, and there is a progress4/22/2022information agency "Interfaks"I consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remadeI consider that it is one of the strongest managers in the world. To create such huge company... Problems there was a weight, but nevertheless all survived, work. Even "AvtoVAZ" remade11/19/2018Sheets121,321Company-related news+315 last weekPresidentMaksim Sokolov0Media Score250Rank positionPresidentMaksim SokolovCountryRussian Federation996Connections+394 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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